Thursday, June 4, 2009

Supernatural (TV series) & Evangelion

Haven't watched TV for quite some time, and yesterday I watched the TV series "Supernatural" when my sister played the DVD she just got. The story is about the Winchester brothers whose job was a monster-and-demon hunter. Quite interesting story, with some great action, a little drama, hilarious Hollywood jokes, and - the most important part according to my sister - cute & handsome guys ^^.

So, yesterday I watched the final episodes of season 4. What I found quite intriguing was the similarities of the ideas with Hideaki Anno's Neon Genesis Evangelion. Strange, huh? Well, I'll mention some things that I found to be resembling Evangelion:

- Both features the character Lilith. In EVA, Lilith is the Black-Moon Angel and the source of mankind (Lilim)... in Supernatural, Lilith is the so-called first demon created by Lucifer (remember, Lilith is Adam's first wife who refuses to obey him, according to some religious literatures).
...And both of them play important part in the series: bringing forth the End of the World... or the Instrumentality Project ^^

- Both features being called Angels. While in EVA the Angels are primarily the main antagonist a.k.a. the-ones-that-need-to-be-beaten-by-the-protagonist (Rei, Asuka, and Baka Shinji)throughout most of the series, in Supernatural Angels are pretty much like SEELE's counterparts.
They don't work directly, but performing shady, background, and stealth jobs to make things happen according to the destined fate... or the so-called "God's Will". and some Angels have the hidden agendas of their own, and using humans to perform their job. Pretty much like Keel Lorenz and Gendo Ikari using each other and other people to get their job done.

- Both features the end of the world. And what must be done to end the world is pretty much the same too!
*spoiler warning* In Supernatural, to release Lucifer from his prison, some sacrifices must be made - i.e. by breaking 66 seals which would unlock the prison gate, and apparently the last seal is a demon. The demon dies, the seal is broken, and Lucifer is free and ready to brought the Armageddon. See? that's pretty much like killing all the Angels are the key to brought Human Instrumentality Project into reality in EVA.

- For some reason, the End of the World is pretty much the same thing: New World without war, pain, and suffering, and all negative traits you can think of. All that is left is peace. and... both of the main characters refuse the offer to achieve such world. Shinji wants to live as a separate entity at the final moments of Human Instrumentality Project, and the main chara of Supernatural chose to live as a human in our imperfect world rather than achieving glory and peace at the cost of his brother's life. Pretty much like that...
**Though in the end, we don't know whether Shinji finally returned to Earth and live as a human with the others (the ending scene can be seen as Shinji and the others reverting back to human form and live on earth as they were, but it is also speculatively an end where it's only Shinji's concept of Heaven... nobody is returning to our world and everyone is simply dead. That's the End of Evangelion in my mind... but then again, that's the beauty of the EVA series: you can interpret the ending as you like - ambiguous till the end like V from V for Vendetta ^^), he did make the choice to not merge all human souls into one entity. (after turning the whole world into a primordial soup, Rei had gone through so far collecting the whole souls of humans, and after battling with MP EVAs and Asuka [illustratively] died, and all other stuff, you changed your mind... you're really BAKA SHINJI!!!)

- ah, both uses quite similar names for the Angels! Those who watched EVA would've recognized the name with -el suffix as the name of the Angels, like Uriel, Castiel, etc... and certain angels with Higher Level doesn't use the -el suffix, Zachariah in Supernaturan and Tabris for example - a.k.a. Nagisa Kaworu the gay-ish red-eyed boy with Impenetrable AT-Field and ability to control EVA outside the plug ^^

ahh... I missed Evangelion too much :D
That's probably the best Anime I've ever watched. Not at the quality of the animation, nor the characters, but simply the story and ideas behind them. And I like stories that requires quite some thinking...

Let's hope Rebuild of Evangelion 2.0 to be released as soon as possible. I'm curious about EVA-05 and the new pilot... Makinami Mari Illustrious. Still using the name of a WW II ship as a character name, I see. And since Gainax changed my beloved Asuka's name into Shikinami, why don't you change Kaworu's name into King George V Nagisanami, or Shinji's name into Scharnhorst Ikarinami? ^^
or Pen-pennami
and Aida Kensukenami
and Misato Katsuraginami
also Toji Suzuharanami


ah dammit, Soryu Asuka Langley was a good name!

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