Friday, June 19, 2009

Food for thought...

after finally returned to my normal emotional state, I decided to have a thing as a subject of my thoughts. no, unlike some of my other friends (not the defective ones), I will not discuss about love or something like that. Romantic love is just... incomprehensible for me. I can't even understand myself when I got that feeling, and I can't even explain my motives or thoughts or reasoning behind my acts at that time. Such feeling is scarily distractive and beyond logic, so I guess I'll pass on discussing about such topic.

Okay. the topic is this: Atheism. ...and Indonesia.

Do you believe in God? I don't.
In western countries, you have the right to choose whether you believe in God or not. Atheism is a common thing and people can gain access to about anything easily regardless of their religious beliefs. Here, in Indonesia, a "religious" and FREE country, atheism doesn't have any legal support. Funny, a free country that doesn't give its people the freedom to acknowledge the existence of God or not...

And since most people in Indonesia doesn't have an access to gain proper education, they either hopelessly clung to the major religion without thinking about it first, or picking their religion just so they wouldn't be accused of being a communist. First, during Soeharto's reign of "New Order", communism is heavily suppressed, if not exterminated. So, that kind of fear is still understandable. Second, atheism is different than communism. Atheism just concerns that someone or something called "God" exists or not, while communism refers to the equality of the people - a society without difference, including religions and social classes.

Well, I don't believe in a totally equal world without social classes (without ion-voltage difference, our nerves wouldn't be able to transmit impulses - that means, they can't work - and without a working nerve system, we're a little better than dead. and in my opinion, the universe is a magnified version of human body - as human body is a scaled-down fractal image of the whole universe) but I support the idea of redistribution of wealth - from the extremely rich to the overly poor and such.

Back to Atheism. I believe, that religion is something that humans make. And religion is a major barrier to get humans to unite. Some examples:

Case 1, happened to a family I know - a certain Islamic family refused a marriage between their daughter with her Christian boyfriend (no, her boyfriend's name is not "Christian" ^^) UNLESS the guy turned his religion and converted into a Muslim.
* comments: I think it's pretty common thing in any religion. Marriage refused just because of difference in their spiritual belief...

Case 2, I think this happens to most of us - parents gave the religion they believe in to their children, even forcefully indoctrinize their children to believe in that religion - without giving the child a freedom to chose the religion as they like. Well, my family still can't accept the fact that their son denies the existence of God. Yeah, my family is an extremely religious Catholic - especially my mom ^^.

Hah. I think what matters are not whether a human believes in God or not. What matters are the things he do and his intentions. Humanity doesn't need religion, but religion is your freedom to accept or to deny.

Atheism should be approved in Indonesia. I strongly support this! And for once, please SHUT THE FUCK UP, members of Majelis Ulama Indonesia. You're just bunch of uneducated, narrow-minded, religious pricks who can't accept any point of view except your own. You guys need to be injected with a pig blood, you know. You'll be surprised when you realize that pig has so much similarities to you.

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