Sunday, May 31, 2009

Jakarta Anti-Tobacco Day

Bunderan H.I.!
Enjoy Jakarta!

umm... what is it to enjoy in this overheated, polluted, flooding city?

well... actually there was a plan for a photography Hunt of Medilens during Jakarta Anti-Tobacco Day at Bunderan HI, but somewhere along the way it got cancelled.

Bicycling is healthy. Jogging is healthy too. Inhaling gas from motorized vehicles are not. So it's good to have a car-free hours on a Sunday morning like this ^^

one of the reason was due to the inability of the Medilens members to gather on Sunday Morning (Maroon 5? "Dying slow on Sunday Morning, and I'll never want to live" ^^).
Most of them just had an exhausting exams on Friday, so I think they could use a good sleep till noon on Sunday ^^. Even the club chief doesn't feel well on the day before yesterday, and I myself was not in a good shape too. I've been ill since 4 days ago, but it got quite severe since thursday... after taking antibiotics for 3 days, I feel a little better and I can go for a little walk on Sunday.

After my business with PERKI (about ACLS) is finished, I decided to take a walk on the car-free Jl. Thamrin, starting from Bunderan HI. It's crammed full with people, doing all sorts of things to celebrate and promote Anti-Tobacco day. From jogging, physical exercises, bicycling, wet themselves on the big fountain of Bunderan HI, join a "balap karung" contest, and even smoking ^^. Funny isn't it? There are still a lot of people enjoying their cigarettes on Anti-Tobacco day ^^

Here are some other pictures I take during my solo-hunt:
(All photos taken with Olympus E-500 DSLR. Image resized to 600x450 with Photoshop to fit my internet connection speed ^^)

It's a Hot day, comrade...

Golden Glow

a fluorescent egrang? ^^


Don't trip yourself, mate!

Bike Lane. Kids ONLY.

Bike to Work... with NOS

Exercise under the flare ^^

My Bike, My Wife.

Oh, and there were a lot of unique bicycles on the street! From classic, antique bikes from Netherlands-Indies Colonial era, to Harley-Davidson look-alike... and even more antique bike collectors were there, showing off their collections and even wearing Meneer (it's "Mister" in Dutch, pretty much like a honorific for Foreigners back in Colonial era) clothes... I guess they can be considered as an Otaku too? ^^
And here's one of the most unique accessory a bicycle can get: a cannon ^^

A Bike-mounted cannon

Target on sight. Fire at Will!

And there was a tandem-bicycle (a bicycle with side-passenger seat on the left) full of EPIC WIN: the bicycle was repainted in camouflage colors and there are 2 boxes of ammo box with markings on the side-passenger seat
"100 ball rounds + 50 tracer rounds
Cal. .50BMG
Fire-Linked Browning M2 Machine Gun"

too bad I can't take any photo of it - the owner forbid me T.T
but he said that when he finished customizing his bike, he'll put it on a kind of "Unique Bicycle Show" or something like that, and everyone may take some pics... Is there any such thing as "Unique Bicycle Show"? ^^

anyhow... today was fun ^^
Now I need to get back to my daily life of a Medical Student... Studying heaps of books and handouts in limited time... Cramming statistics and practice using SPSS is the menu for next week's exams!

* Sinanju, please wait till I finish all the exams!

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